Your Digital Marketing Agency

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics

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Why choose AlgoWits?

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They make you big promises.
We make you big bucks.

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They follow best practices.
We define them.

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They bring excuses.
We bring solutions.

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They deliver reports.
We deliver results.

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They’ve got a case study.
We’ve got a library of them.

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They collect paychecks.
We collect wins.


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Ad Creative

Beyond targeting and campaign structure, the most overlooked component of a successful Facebook campaign is the creative deployed. Taking the time to craft the right message and deploy impactful creative is the delta that influences your traffic cost (Facebook charges you as CPM but you influence the CTR through great creative). Let us bring your story to life through the creation of impactful digital ads.

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Email & SMS Marketing

Email marketing should account for close to 50% of your eCommerce revenue. If it isn’t, there’s a high chance you’re leaving money on the table. Evestar’s expertise in email marketing will help you increase revenue through the creation of campaigns, automated email flows, audience segmentation and deliverability monitoring. It’s crucial to keep a healthy email marketing environment and it goes far beyond a pretty image sent to your databases. There is a range of technicalities that Evestar can manage for you to maximize email marketing impact and revenue generation. Evestar is a Klaviyo Gold Master Partner and holds expertise in other ESPs like Mailchimp, Hubspot, ActiveCampaigns and many others.

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Google Ad Buying

The platforms and tools that Google offers still makes it the easiest environment to manage a complete digital marketing strategy. Acquiring new customers, retargeting users who are still in the interest phase, as well as capturing high intent buyers are all aspects of the Google Ads environment. Between Google Search, Shopping, Display, Gmail ads and more, The EveStar team is primed to maximize every ounce of value possible out of the Google environment.

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YouTube Ad Buying

One of the fastest growing ad platforms since the pandemic hit is Pinterest. Often overlooked in a company's media mix, Pinterest ads enable us to zero in on users who are actively searching for relevant solutions/inspiration. Traffic cost (CPM model) is currently underpriced, making Pinterest an appealing alternative to the two Facebook and Google giants. Depending on your business, Pinterest can be a good third channel for both prospecting and retargeting, especially if you are predominantly targeting women.